Eva Help Documentation

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Eva Help Documentation

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Bulk Update

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How to Add Additional Stores to Your Eva Account

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You can use our reimbursement services only by subscribing to the “Eva Reimbursement Service”. We can take care of your reimbursement cases with a reimbursement fee of 15% of the successfully recovered amount.

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When you delete an SKU from Seller Central, the listing on Eva will be updated to Deleted status and within 24-72 hours, that SKU will also be deleted from Eva.

Eva is an AI based repricer and she can read the market, competition and the status of your SKU and according to them. She makes sure that you are always getting the buy box while maximizing your profits. She considers 600+ criteria while repricing your SKU and finds the optimal sweet spot where you both have the buy box and making the most profit. She also takes your stocks into consideration so you never go Out of Stock and you can set Eva’s aggressiveness with features like Buy Box Sharing on those SKUs that you wish Eva to be less aggressive.

Amazon is a very price-sensitive marketplace, therefore, using the right pricing strategies will substantially expand your ranking and sales amount. Your private label pricing approach and strategy have to be embraced according to this reality. Therefore, once you have decided your price for a product, most probably you will need to evaluate price alterations or repricing based on updates in your category and competitor’s behavior. Indeed, you can make repricing manually, which is quite time-consuming, or you can start using EVA – which offers several different pricing solutions/strategies for your Private Label business on Amazon.

  • Demand/Trend/Seasonality Based pricing
  • Inventory Levels Based pricing
  • Sales Velocity Based pricing
  • Similar ASINs based pricing
  • Parent-Child relationship-based pricing

Demand-based pricing works based on the last 24 months of data and AI calculates the best price to maximize the profit for a given sales velocity.

Inventory-based pricing increases the price for a given inventory day’s threshold and once there is a shipment price goes back to the initial point and demand-based pricing starts.

Sales Velocity pricing automatically adapts prices (in a range between minimum and maximum price) to receive a defined sales velocity target (number of units sold per day) based on historical data.

Similar ASINs-based pricing allows you to both monitors and competes with similar products that might be a substitute for your product, even though these products have different ASINs.

Parent-Child pricing allows our customers to configure each of their Child ASIN’s prices according to the Parent ASIN. Since many Amazon brands have many variations of a single ASIN, sometimes there is a need for different pricing solutions such as size, color, and different batches.

So, at EVA we know that Private Label sellers have a specific need to find the correct price for their unique products. Our AI-powered solution will automatically calculate and set the correct price of your listings every 24 hours by using up to 30 days of price information. Eva does this by using built-in supply and demand equilibrium pricing according to trends, sales velocity, and seasonality so your prices are always optimal. Doing that manually would require heavy and constant analysis! Furthermore, to make sure you always have products in stock, EVA can adjust the price to slow gradually your sales velocity when your inventory is low and help you stay in stock with your most profitable items. Meaning, not only can you have the best price for your product but also you are able to control how it behaves according to your needs with our multiple feature settings.

If you want to cancel your account, you can make a request for cancelation on the Eva Platform.

To make a request:

  1. Go to the “Settings” page
  2. Use the “General” settings
  3. Click the “Cancellation Request” button

Currently, this feature is only applicable to the following package types only:

  • Essential
  • Growth

For other package types, you need to communicate with us through other communication channels such as 24/7 Live Chat or e-mail.

The Monthly Revenue caps in our plans refer to the amount of revenue that is generated through your Eva account. So we will not count any business that is not visible in Eva. Your package is calculated by your average revenue in the last 3 months.

You can connect multiple stores to your Account. There are three Amazon zones for marketplaces, Europe, North America, and Asia/Pacific. If you are adding a different marketplace for the same store, the first zone is free and the additional zones are $30/per zone. Your package will be calculated based on the total revenue of all connected stores.

If you want you can also ask Eva Team to avoid competition between your stores as this will enable a friendly execution mode between the related stores.

If you are an agency adding multiple stores, you can benefit from the Eva Agency model, which has unique advantages for overall access to Eva and Reimbursements. Please approach our team via the chat window if you are interested in Eva Agency Package.

Growing your Amazon business can be hard and sometimes you have lots of questions. In other situations, your team is handling the store and you want to make sure they have a dedicated point of contact. Our team has end-to-end Amazon store management experience so they provide accurate and detailed answers to your questions. 

We have documentation to help with most questions as well as 24/7 support available. It is our value to constantly improve our solution to be more intuitive and easy to use so that you are able to get all your Amazon Management needs done fast and efficiently. Please also reach out to us if you find anything complex or have thoughts on improvements – we are here to grow together.

You can have as many users per Eva account as you would like. There is no extra charge for additional users. https://help.eva.guru/help-documentation/user-permission-settings/

Our algorithm adjusts automatically to booksellers so you never leave money on the table. Ignore the new sellers and long-time waiting ones.

Although taking pricing decisions in milliseconds by observing 600+ criteria, Eva reprices at Amazon’s refresh rate which is 119 seconds. This makes Eva the fastest repricer on the market.

  • Real-time Repricing
  • Price Management
  • Sales Velocity-based Strategies
  • Unlimited SKUs Listings
  • Sales & Profit Analytics
  • Reimbursement
  • 19 Amazon Marketplaces
  • Unlimited Users 
  • 24/7 Expert Support
  • Trend, Demand, and Seasonality Based Repricing

Repricer Features 

Private Label Pricing Features 

Reimbursements Features 

Analytics Features

  • Reliable â€“ Our solutions will make sure you sell at the best price possible 
  • Easy to Use â€“ All features should be intuitive and improve your business
  • Actionable Analytics â€“ Know your business and what decisions to make
  • Best in Class Support â€“ Our support team is available 24/7 and passionate to help
  • Affordable â€“ We want to help the most Amazon sellers while taking the least of their profits

Yes, you can pay annually and can save up to 30% by paying annually. Click the “Start Monthly Plan” on the Executive Dashboard and you can select the “Eva Annual Subscription”.

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Annual Subscription

You’ll get instant access to all of our features for a full 15 days. You’ll be able to try intelligent repricer, and get access to Reimbursement Analytics, Advertising Analytics, Sales & Profit Analytics, and much more. When your trial period is over, you will never want to run your business without Eva, not even for a day! You’ll be prompted to select a paid plan and all your data, configurations and listings will remain intact.

No. There is no automatic subscription. If you don’t activate a plan, the account will simply run out at the end of the trial.

After starting your reimbursement process, our experts will be contacting you within 24 hours asking you to add our experts as users to your Seller Central and grant permissions. After this process, our team starts conducting reimbursements cases for you and you can see them once you go to the Reimbursement Analytics page and scroll down. On that page, you can transparently monitor your cases and their details. If the reimbursement case is successful, Amazon will refund you the money. So, the money will be transferred to the bank account associated with your Amazon account.

On this chart, Reimbursement, Total Refund, Total Expense, and Total Profit data are extracted from the Settlement Report provided by Amazon. Amazon provides this report on a biweekly basis. So it is updated on Eva when Amazon provides this report, which might be the reason why there is a difference in the actual amount you calculated and the amount that Eva shows on this chart. You can see the last time that Amazon provided the store-specific Settlement report to Eva by hovering on the info icon on the upper right side of the chart. Please see Figure 1 below. 

Please note that Total sales, COGS, and Quantity data are updated every day since these data are not extracted from Settlement Report. 

Figure 1 Info Icon On Sales Finance Chart
Figure 1 Info Icon On Sales & Finance Chart

Eva Help Documentation

Eva Release Notes

What's new in the latest version of the Eva.

Release Note – 16 February 2022

We keep improving to continue to serve you better all the time. Check out our new improvements and features below! 1- Update Payment Method You can now update your payment method freely from inside...

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