How to Create an Account on Eva

Welcome to Eva! To create your account and embark on an exciting journey, simply follow these steps:

To begin, please visit and click the “Get Started For Free” button. Please see Figure 1.

Image 43
Figure 1 – Get Started For Free

Upon reaching the login page, click “Create your Eva account” to proceed.

Image 174
Figure 2 – Log in page

To create your Eva account, kindly provide your email, name, and password. Then, click “Create Eva Account” as shown in Figure 3.

Image 175
Figure 3 – Create an account

Next, it is essential to verify your account by accessing the email address you provided. Please check your inbox for the verification email. Once received, follow the instructions to complete the email verification process. Please see Figure 4.

Image 16
Figure 4 – Verification Page

After registration, you will receive a verification email similar to Figure 5. Please click the “Confirm My Email Address” button in the email to complete the verification process.

Image 18
Figure 5 – Verification Email

After clicking the “Confirm My Email Address” button, you will be redirected to the Eva page, confirming your successful account creation. To access your new account, click the “Login” button as shown in Figure 6.

Image 19
Figure 6 – Confirmation

After verification, you will be redirected to the login page. Enter your credentials and click the “Login” button, as depicted in Figure 6. For any assistance, our support team is here to help. Thank you for choosing Eva, and welcome aboard.

Image 176
Figure 7 – Login Page

Congratulations, your account has been successfully created, and you are now ready to connect your Store(s) to the Eva platform. By doing so, we can efficiently retrieve data from your Amazon store, present it in a distinctive manner, dynamically reprice your products, and ultimately support the growth of your business on Amazon. To initiate the store connection process, kindly follow the instructions provided in the next article. How to Connect Your Amazon Account to Eva?

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