How to Set a MAP Price

To set a “MAP Price” (Minimum Advertised Pricing) on your listings; click on the “Pricing Management” tab on the navigation panel of Eva. Please see Figure 1:

Pricing Management Panel 1
Figure 1 – Pricing Management Panel

Choose the SKU for which you want to apply MAP Price. Click the “Update” button under “Advanced Pricing Options. Please see Figure 2:

Screenshot At Aug 10 18 41 15 1
Figure 2 – The SKU Row And The Location On The Pricing Settings

In the popup menu, click on the Set MAP Price checkbox and enter your desired price in the “Set MAP Price” field. Please note that the MAP Price value can be entered less than the Min Price value. However, the automated pricing still cannot exceed the minimum and maximum values. If the map price is higher than min price, Eva sends feed between the map price and the max price. Please see Figure 3:

Figure 3
Figure 3 – Advanced Pricing Settings And Map Price

For more detailed control, you can add a specific time frame for your MAP price to be active in. To accomplish this, click on the blue “Edit” button and then on the “+Add” option that will appear below. You can also set an additional time frame by clicking on the “+Add” button. Please see Figure 4:

Screenshot At Aug 10 18 54 25
Figure 4 – Scheduling Map Price

Following this, you can select the days and hours you want to schedule your MAP Price. Please take into account that your regular set minimum price will be applied within that particular time frame that you have just set up, while your MAP price will operate out of that time frame. Importantly, scheduling time is based and applied to your Amazon store’s time zone. Please see Figure 5:

Screenshot At Aug 10 19 04 00 2
Figure 5 – Schedule Map Price Time Frames

Once you are done making your changes, make sure to click on the “Save” button to save your settings.

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