Estimated Low Inventory Fee

What is a Low Inventory Fee?

Amazon applies this fee when a product’s historical days of supply are below 28 days, based on calculations over the past 30 and 90 days. This policy encourages sellers to maintain adequate inventory levels to optimize distribution and reduce shipping costs.

For more information, please visit the Amazon Seller Forums.

The Estimated Low Inventory Fee for each product in Eva is determined using a prediction model that adheres to Amazon’s guidelines. This calculation is updated weekly, considering the product’s inventory levels in relation to actual historical sales data. This fee helps establish the minimum price for each product.

Please note that this fee is not included in the profit calculations on the SKU performance screen, profit reports, and dashboard. Amazon already includes this fee under the “FBA Fulfillment Fee” category.

To calculate the minimum price with the Low Inventory Fee, first, click on “Pricing Management“ on the left menu. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 – Pricing Management

Once you click on the “Price Management” page, go to the “Calculate Optimal Min. Price” button for each product. See Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 – Calculate Optimal Min. Price

In the pop-up screen, you can enter product cost, minimum price, desired margin etc. After that, click on the blue “Preview” button & “Save” Button will pop up. See Figure 3 below.

Low Inventory Fee
Low Inventory Fee

After clicking on “Save”, Eva will save your minimum price and reprice your SKU accordingly.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Success Team by clicking on the “Chat With Us” button on the right side of the page!

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