Trend Analytics: Product List

Advanced Data Table: A Deep Dive into SKU Performance

The Trend Analytics Data Table provides a granular, product-by-product analysis of performance metrics, enabling sellers to track sales, advertising efficiency, and inventory trends with ease.


Comprehensive Performance Metrics

  • The table includes 30+ key performance indicators (KPIs) for each SKU, including:
    • Total Sales, Ad Sales, Organic Sales, Orders, Units Sold, Profit, ROI, ACoS, TACoS, CPC, Conversion Rates, Inventory Levels, and more.
  • Users can expand each product to view performance at the SKU level for a more detailed breakdown.

Sorting & Customization

  • Columns are sortable, allowing users to prioritize products based on specific metrics.
  • The “Column Options” button enables full customization, ensuring sellers focus only on relevant data.

Tagging Products for Better Organization

Managing product performance can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with a large inventory. Eva’s tagging system makes it easy to organize, track, and analyze products and SKUs by assigning meaningful tags that categorize them based on specific criteria such as promotions, seasonality, bestsellers, or advertising goals.

Adding and Managing Tags

  • Each product and its associated SKUs can have multiple tags to facilitate better segmentation and filtering.
  • To add a tag to a product or SKU, click the “+ Add Tag” button in the Tags column.
  • A dropdown menu will appear, allowing users to:
    • Select an existing tag.
    • Create a new tag on the fly by typing a name and pressing Enter.

Bulk Tagging for Efficiency

  • Users can select multiple products and apply the same tag to all selected items using the “Tag Selections” button at the top right of the table.
  • This feature is particularly useful for categorizing entire product groups quickly, such as identifying low-performing SKUs or grouping items under a marketing campaign.

Custom Tag Creation

  • If the desired tag doesn’t exist, users can create a new one via the “Create Tag” dialog, where they can:
    • Assign the tag to a collection for better organization.
    • Choose a custom color for easy identification.
    • Apply the tag across all stores under their account.

Editing & Removing Tags

  • To edit or switch a tag, hover over it and click the switch (⇆) button, which allows users to replace the tag with another from the list.
  • To remove a tag, hover over it and click the (X) button, detaching it from the product or SKU.

By leveraging Eva’s tagging system, sellers can streamline their product categorization, enhance filtering capabilities, and ensure precise tracking of key performance groups—ultimately making smarter, data-driven decisions with ease. 🚀

Inline Actions: Quick Navigation & Goal Setting

  • “Details” Button: Redirects to the Product Detail Page, similar to the SKU Performance Detail Page.
  • “Set Goals” Button: (Coming Soon) Allows sellers to set Advertising & Pricing Goals at both Product & SKU levels.

Export & Pagination for Large Data Sets

  • The table displays 25 rows per page but allows full data export for detailed analysis.

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