How Eva Handles Low and High Pricing Errors?

Listings deactivated for potential high pricing error.”

Amazon constantly compares and monitors sellers’ prices, including shipping costs, based on the prices of other sellers in the market in order to ensure a safe race in this crowded, competitive environment. That is called the Amazon Marketplace Fair Pricing Policy. Amazon detects the prices that might harm customer trust, which is because these prices are either too high or too low.

In that case, this price is marked as a Pricing Error. Amazon can close or block the product, and withdraw the offer; it even might lead to the termination of your seller account.

You can check your SKUs with pricing errors under the ‘Fix Your Products’ section on Seller Central. You can manually set new prices from this section to fix those errors or from the ‘Manage Inventory’ section on Seller Central.

It might be impossible to deal with a massive number of SKUs with constant control 24/7. EVA works in accordance with the Amazon Fair Pricing Policy and makes her pricing decisions accordingly. So you do not need to take any extra action in case of any pricing error; EVA will solve this error for you. As soon as she detects a pricing error, she sends Amazon a price feed that will push the product out of this wrong price range.

Please note that Eva can help you solve pricing errors automatically only when you enable pricing for the SKUs. In another word, this feature is available only for pricing-enabled SKUs. You need to enable the ‘Pricing’ for the SKUs with pricing errors and set your minimum price. EVA works it out to reactivate the listing quickly; she changes the price dynamically and learns to avoid those price ranges that cause deactivation. 

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