FBA Small & Light
Amazon has decided to stop the Small & Light program on August 29, 2023. Instead, the FBA rates for all low-priced products will decrease. All eligible items will automatically receive the low-price rates.
Amazon FBA is the go-to fulfillment option for most Amazon sellers, that is for sure, but if you’re selling small and cheap products, it makes no sense. FBA Small and Light was a program created by Amazon that reduces fulfillment costs for products that meet certain criteria, including weight, size, and price. It allows sellers to offer small and lightweight products at an affordable price for customers. It is the best way to be profitable if you’re selling small, cheap, and fast-moving products. If you sell low-priced products on Amazon, FBA fees will typically make selling them too expensive to be worth it. Small and Light will save you money on those fees to increase your margins.
To be eligible for FBA Small and Light program, your products have to weigh 3 lb or less, measure under 18 x 14 x 8 inches or less, and be priced at $12 or less. Your product size tiers for small standard and large standard 1 lb and under will be divided into 4 oz increments, and size tiers for large standard over 1 lb will be divided into 0.5 lb increments.
Small Standard:
- For 4 oz or less – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.47
- For 4+ to 8 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.54
- For 8+ to 12 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.61
- For 12+ to 16 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $3.15
Large Standard:
- For 4 oz or less – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.66
- For 4+ to 8 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.77
- For 8+ to 12 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $2.94
- For 12+ to 16 oz – the fulfillment fee per unit is $3.77
- For 16+ oz to 1.5 lb – the fulfillment fee per unit is $4.42
- For 1.5+ to 2 lb – the fulfillment fee per unit is $4.68
- For 2+ to 2.5 lb – the fulfillment fee per unit is $5.19
- For 2.5+ to 3 lb – the fulfillment fee per unit is $5.40
Also, your product must not fall under Amazon’s list of restricted items. These include temperature-sensitive items like chocolates and slow-moving products that have sold fewer than 25 units in the last four weeks. And the products you enroll in this program have to be in new condition. Products in any other condition (i.e., Used) are not eligible for FBA Small and Light.
With this program, you will be able to offer discounts for free! Under FBA Small and Light, some small products priced at $5 or lower and fall under the Consumables category (e.g., Beauty and Grocery) are eligible for a 5% discount if the customer orders two or more units. You don’t have to do anything! Amazon will cover the costs of discounts. So you will be offering discounts without costing you a penny.
Another selling point is that your products are Prime-eligible, meaning, your listings will get the Prime badge, which is one of many Amazon badges that positively affect your listings. Also, customers won’t have to fulfill any minimum purchase requirement. Standard FBA only grants free shipping if you order $25 or more of eligible items. So the customers don’t have to reach that number to purchase small and light products.
We are getting your Small and Light fee from Amazon in real-time via API connections.