How Dynamic Repricing Decides the Max Price
Eva has unique features and calculations of the parameters to maximize profits and sales!
Let’s look into how to max price calculation works on Eva.
In default, Eva is taking into account Amazon’s Fair Trade Policy and decides on a Max price where she is certain that you will not get high pricing error.
However, we know that your competitor sometimes has a Listing Price higher than our pre-determined max price. In that scenario, Eva is adjusting your max price accordingly.
When Eva calculates your max price to compete, we show your calculated max price on the Pricing Management page but reprice according to your Dynamic Max Price. You can see this in the SKU Pricing and Buy Box Chart in the Pricing Actions and Analytics Tab.
Eva will match the max price with your competition to compete with them, then Eva will gradually decrease your price to compete with that price and win the Buy Box.
In a nutshell, if your competitor’s price is higher than your max price, Eva will dynamically adapt your max price.